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‘‘Chan eil ar bròn is ar lotan air an slànachadh ach nuair a bheanas sinn riutha le truas’’ ~ Buddha
083 045 6141
Gun sgudal
Ma tha thu airson fios a chuir airson;
Co-chomhairlean Leigheas Luibhe
Reiki Healing
Co-chomhairlean Beathachaidh & Iridology
Terapidhean coileanta
Clasaichean Yoga/Meòrachadh
Feuch an cuir thu post-d no cuir fòn gu Sepi:
Àireamh: 083 045 6141

Dr. Sefy delivers speeches from time to time on voluntary basis, if you have a social group, or a charity event you would like Dr. Sefy to deliver a speech at please email details to the above email address. For all other public appearance enquires please call to directly book.
Contact: Contact
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